Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorders: Metabolism and Stress
Live webinar date : 23rd October 2019 8pm
Lower urinary tract disorders are common in cats. In previous decades, the focus of study has been on causes and management of crystalluria. More recently it has become clear that the majority of cases of LUTD are idiopathic and the bladder may be the victim, rather than the initiator of the clinical signs. This presentation looks at the Pandora Syndrome, the roles of metabolism and of stress.
Learning objectives
– The Pandora Syndrome
– How stress affects metabolism
– The Five Freedoms
– How to assess and meet the environmental needs of cats
– To recognize the signs of cystitis in cats
– What we understand about the many causes/types of cystitis in cats
– How stress affects metabolism
– What tests your veterinarian will need to runHow to treat different types of cystitis in cats
– How to assess and meet the environmental needs of cats
Speaker : Margie Scherk DVM, Dip ABVP
Margie became board certified in feline practice by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in 1995, recertifying in 2004. After many years of serving on the Board of the American Association of Feline Practitioners she was honoured to be its President in 2007. An active international speaker, Dr. Scherk has authored numerous book chapters and scientific papers and is the North American editor for the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.
October 2019